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Holistic Skin Care

Beginning my Holistic Facial Diploma Course (Part 1)

If you've had a facial with me before and filled out my consultation form you may have noticed questions about your water intake, stress levels, and diet...along with questions about medications, allergies, and skin care routine. That's because for a while now I've tried to take my skin care treatments to a different level, one that looks at your whole lifestyle to better understand what is going on with your skin.

This last week I enrolled in a Holistic Facials Diploma course online. I'm still waiting on my scores from the first couple of "assessments" but overall feel like I'm doing pretty well. This course is 150 hours of learning to better communicate with you about the importance of looking deeper into what is causing your skin concerns and how to better treat your skin. By consulting with you about your lifestyle and emotional state we together can better understand the general skin issues that so many of us see in the mirror everyday (lines, wrinkles, breakouts, dark spots, redness)...once we understand why the issue is there, we can come up with a plan to treat it.

The main difference between a standard facial and a holistic treatment is how deep we dig into the root of skin concerns. For example, in a standard facial you might tell your esthetician that you're concerned with redness in your face. The esthetician may give your a cool, calming treatment that temporarily brings down the redness and then you leave. In a holistic treatment, we would look at your diet and see if we could add some anti-inflammatory foods, make sure you're drinking the right amount of water to keep your body functioning properly, and if the skin care products you're currently using are too harsh for your skin. After a thorough consultation your treatment would continue with products chosen specifically for your skin's needs.

Some of the ideas of this I've already tried to put into practice...but I didn't really know how. I also have struggled in the past because I didn't want to put people off by being so invasive...I realize know that I'm just trying to what is best for the skin. This course is building my confidence so that I'll be able to better treat skin in the future.

I'm still not sure when I'll be able to open back up and begin offering facials again, but when I do I hope that you will trust me with your skin.

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