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Extractions...are they necessary?

So many people expect and think they need extractions to be a part of every facial but are they really doing anything to improve your skin? There are gentler and just as effective ways to treat your skin well and leave it looking and feeling healthy and beautiful.

Extractions can be painful, they can leave your skin red and blotchy, and if done incorrectly cause additional trauma to the skin (leaving it worse off than when you started). If though, you begin nourishing your skin with the right products and making the time to get regular facial'll find that you don't actually need the extraction part. In fact, more estheticians are getting away from doing them in the treatment room because they are finding that creating a healthy lymph flow under the skin allows for better skin overall.

What about those pesky blackheads and breakouts though? Blackheads are what happen as our skin is shedding it's topmost layer and mingling with our skin's natural oils, and sometimes when that gets to the surface it oxidizes (aka turns black). Unfortunately, no matter how many times or ways you try to remove these they will most likely keep coming back because it's just your body's natural process BUT good products and regular massage can help. Active breakouts, where you see the red bumps and sometimes the white pustules...they are actually a sign that your body is aware of an infection and is doing it's best to fight the P.acne bacteria from the inside, so trying to extract these can worsen the infection and take longer to heal...BUT incorporating professional strength (wavelength) blue light LED can help to kill the bacteria.

I'm here to help you feel good in your skin. If blackheads are your main concern, book a Custom Blend Facial and using a combination of enzymatic exfoliants, assorted modalities, and proper facial massage we can help to get your skin clear. If your skin has more active breakouts, consider booking an LED service (or package of services).

Interested in reading more about lymph flow and massage vs. extractions: Check out this article from Mind Body Green where they ask Do You Need Extractions In Facials? (This article interviews one of my favorite estheticians, Angela Peck, who led my Gua Sha training).

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